We'll be running our contributing member pension webinars throughout October and November this year to show you the benefits of being in the Scheme.
Our webinars can help all types of members whether you’ve been in the Scheme for years or a few months, we’ll cover the choices you can make now, helping you plan and save for your retirement.
Available dates:
Dates |
10am - 11am |
2pm - 3pm |
16 October |
New starters |
New starters |
17 October |
Pension basics |
Pension basics |
22 October |
Pre retirement |
Pre retirement |
24 October |
New starters |
New starters |
06 November |
How the EAPF invests |
Increasing benefits |
06 November |
Pension basics |
Pre retirement |
13 November |
Increasing benefits |
How the EAPF invests |
14 November |
Pre retirement |
Pension basics |
To register your attendance, please email eapfbriefing@capita.co.uk providing your name, telephone number, National Insurance number and name of the session you’re attending along with your preferred date and time.
The duration of each webinar is 1 hour, made up of a 40 minute presentation and a 20 minute question and answer session with the Pensions Team. Capita will confirm you've been registered and will contact you 1 week ahead of your session with the log in details.
To arrange a group session and encourage discussion with your colleagues, you should speak with your Line Manager in the first instance and organise a room that has a laptop and screen with an audio-phone. This only requires one person to register.
If you’re unable to make any of these dates, you’ll still be able to watch our presentations on our website. We’ll send you the log in details that you’ll need by email closer to the time. Don’t forget to register your attendance first so we can contact you with the details.
We hope you can join us!