If you've agreed to pay extra in to the Scheme with full or reduced pay and you're absent from work due to any of the reasons previously mentioned, you must continue to pay the extra pension contributions you had contracted to pay as if you were not on leave. The contributions may be collected from your pay when you return to work where necessary. If you're absent with no pay due to sickness or injury, the extra contributions are deemed to have been paid. This applies if you:
- Entered into a contract to buy extra pension (ARCs) prior to 1 April 2014
- Entered into a contract to count pre 6 April 1988 membership for a surviving eligible cohabiting partner’s pension prior to 1 April 2014
- Entered into a contract to buy extra LGPS membership (added years)prior to 1 April 2008
- Entered into a contract to pay additional pension contributions (APCs) or to pay shared cost APCs
If you've entered into a contract to buy back previous part time service by paying extra pension contributions and you're absent from work due to any of the reasons previously mentioned, with full, reduced or no pay, you must continue to pay the extra pension contributions you had contracted to pay as if you were not on leave. The contributions may be collected from your pay when you return to work where necessary.
If you're paying additional voluntary contributions (AVCs) or shared cost AVCs (SCAVCs) which commenced on or after 1 April 2014 and you're absent from work due to any of the reasons previously mentioned, with full, reduced or no pay, then providing that you've sufficient pay to cover the AVC or SCAVC contract, they remain payable. If you have a period of authorised, unpaid leave you may elect to continue payments in respect of any AVC or SCAVC contracts.
If the pensionable pay is less than your AVC amount due, you should make alternative arrangements to pay directly to the AVC provider.
If you're paying AVCs or SCAVCs which commenced before 1 April 2014 and you're absent from work due to any of the reasons previously mentioned, then you may continue to make payments in respect of any such AVC or SCAVS contracts. If you're paying AVCs for extra life cover should you arrange to continue with these payments throughout your leave or cover will stop.
The contributions may be collected from your pay when you return to work where necessary.