Planned maintenance: Please note EAPF Online will be unavailable between 09:00 on 30 October until 17:00 on 31 October 2019 for essential maintenance. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

To achieve our investment objectives we invest in a range of assets globally, including:

  • equities
  • bonds (fixed interest securities)
  • private equity 
  • sustainable real assets (including property, infrastructure, forestry and agriculture)

We have a strong focus on responsible and sustainable investment, as we consider environmental, social and governance factors create real risks and opportunities for the Fund, particularly given its long term nature. Other areas of the website provide more detail on our approach to responsible investment, climate risk and stewardship.

We are developing our website to provide more information on our current investments and how they contribute to delivering long term sustainable returns.

Private equity

Privaty Equity image
We are long-term investors and this long-term commitment is based on the expectation that our fund managers will build lasting and sustainable companies before they sell them.
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