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What do you think about responsible investment?

In February 2020, we asked for your views on responsible investment. We had a great response with over 2,600 of you taking part in the survey.

We were really encouraged to see that you share our passion for investing responsibly.

  • 88% of you think it is important* to invest in sustainable and low carbon assets. (*Results of those who stated it was very important, important or quite important.)
  • 90% of you think it is important to influence the behaviour of the individual companies we invest in so that we help the environment and society more broadly.

We think climate change poses a financial risk to investments and so do you.

  • 69% of you think that climate change will present a financial risk to investments in your lifetime. And generally, the younger you are, the greater you see this risk to be.

We also wanted to understand the best way to tell you about how the fund invests responsibly - which method works best and what type of initiative had caught your eye:

  • 55% of you said that you had not seen any communications.
  • The majority of you that had seen news about responsible investment had read about it in the member newsletter. 
  • The website was the second most popular channel.

Download our Responsible investment survey results to see what you told us.

From the survey, you told us that you wanted to tell us more about your views.

In July 2020, we organised a series of events over 2 weeks to delve a bit deeper. We asked 200 members what you thought of our responsible investment strategy - what you liked, what you wanted more of, and how we can communicate with you better.

Through a series of polls, chat rooms, focus groups and 1:1 discussions, you told us that you were passionate about sustainability. You want us to be ambitious and maximise the impact we can have through our investments and you told us how we can engage with you better.

Download our findings from our member focus groups.

Let’s keep talking and building a better future.

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