Planned maintenance: Please note EAPF Online will be unavailable between 09:00 on 30 October until 17:00 on 31 October 2019 for essential maintenance. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Here you can see our latest EAPF Member webinar and briefing presentations.

EAPF webinar and member briefings 2024

You can watch our latest webinar presentations by clicking on the links below.

Pensioner and Deferred member webinars

Watch our Pensioner member webinar

Watch our Deferred member webinar


EAPF webinar and member briefings 2023
EAPF webinar and member briefings 2022
EAPF webinar and member briefings 2021

Contributing member webinars

You can watch our contributing member webinars by clicking the links below.

Watch our New starters video

Watch our Pension basics video

Watch our Increasing your benefits video

Watch our Planning for retirement video

Watch our How the EAPF invests video

PSS webinars

To help our members feel clear about what they need to do after receiving their pension savings statement (PSS), we held PSS webinars this year. Even if you haven't received a PSS, it's useful to watch these as they explain how the annual allowance (AA) works.

Watch our 'PSS - What to expect video

Watch our 'PSS - So what now?' video

You can watch our 2021 Pensioner and Deferred member webinars by clicking the links below.

Pensioner member webinar:

Watch our Pensioner briefing video

Download our Pensioner briefing presentation

Deferred member webinar:

Watch our Deferred briefing video

EAPF webinar and member briefings 2020

You can watch or download our 2020 webinar presentations by clicking on the links below.

Contributing member webinars:

Download our 'New starters' webinar presentation

Watch or download our 'Pensions basics' webinar

Watch or download our 'Increasing your benefits' webinar

Watch or download our 'Planning for retirement' webinar

Watch our '85 year rule explained' webinar

Watch or download our 'How the EAPF invests' webinar

Pensioner and Deferred member webinars:

Watch or download our Pensioner briefing

Watch or download our Deferred briefing

EAPF webinar and member briefings 2019

You can watch or download our 2019 webinar presentations by clicking on the links below.

Contributing member webinars:

Watch or download Pension basics

Watch or download New starters

Watch or download Pre retirement

Watch or download Increasing your benefits

Watch How the EAPF invests

Pensioner and Deferred member webinars:

Watch or download our Pensioner briefing

Watch or download our Deferred briefing

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