If you're a deferred member and have passed your Normal Pension Age (NPA), then your deferred pension benefits with the Environment Agency Pension Fund (EAPF) are payable immediately.
Members who’ve left before 1 April 1998:
If you left before 1 April 1998 and you’re over your NPA, you can no longer defer your benefits. This means you must receive the payment of your deferred benefits, and, therefore, you’ll need to contact us to take them.
Your benefits will consist of an annual pension, together with an automatic tax free lump sum. There’s also the option to give up some of your pension to increase your lump sum and in some cases you may have the option to give up some of your lump sum to increase your pension. Plus, you’ll receive an arrears of pension payment because of the backdating to your NPA.
Once your pension is paid, it will then be increased each April to take account of inflation.
Members who’ve left on or after 1 April 1998:
If you left on or after 1 April 1998 and you don’t want to take your benefits at this time, you must get in contact with us in writing and request to defer taking your benefits.
Your benefits will consist of an annual pension and, depending on when you joined the LGPS, you may also be entitled to an automatic tax free lump sum. There’s also the option to give up some of your pension to increase your tax free lump sum (or generate a tax free lump sum if you joined the scheme after 31 March 2008).
Once your pension is paid, it will then increase each April to take account of inflation.
What do I need to do?
If you want to find out how much your benefits are worth, or if you wish to claim your benefits, please contact Capita. Simply click the link below to contact us and start the process.
Contact us to apply for your pension